Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is an innovative software technology that allows companies to automate repetitive business processes and free up valuable business time for people. In 2020, Keelings Knowledge estimate we provided direct saving to our Customers in excess of EUR 200k and we expect this to more than double in 2021.
The rapid development of RPA and the short return on Investment explains why RPA has been named as the fastest growing segment in the global business software market. The market for RPA services is around EUR 7 billion this year, which is expected to grow to EUR 11 billion by 2022.
In recent years there has been a lot of attention for RPA, as it helps companies take an initial look at what the ‘digital worker’ can do for your business. This technology is often a first step for companies that want to reap the benefits of the new developments in Artificial Intelligence.
“Automation is good, as long as you know exactly where to put the machine”, according to Bill Gates
For example, Keelings Knowledge in 2020 has been able to support our customers using RPA by giving valuable time back to their employees. We spent 807 hours developing RPA solutions, providing a time saving of 5,985 hours for our customers, for every hour we spent supporting our customers, they saved 7.5 hours.
The following BOTS solutions have been successfully implemented with our customers and cover the following features:
- FX Rates management;
- Price comparison Analysis;
- Automated Invoicing;
- Bank Reconciliations;
- Reading PDF orders into ERP system
Just as the agricultural revolution saw humans’ transition from farming seven days a week, this next Industrial Revolution in form of combined technological force could do away with the five-day workweek and allow us to spend our time at work on what humans do best – thinking creatively.
Today more than ever, time is precious and something you cannot increase without cost. It is critical to make the best use of it for both the employees and for the businesses. Contact us to understand how we can help give critical valuable time back to your organisation.