Packhouse Operations
Each of our modules has a specific advantage for Packhouse Operations
From minimum price consignment purchase to stock segregation and transport, our procurement module accurately captures the entire costs involved in the acquisition of fresh produce products, so you have complete landed cost tracking.
More on Procurement >
Our features support you with the flow of goods through customs clearance process and inbound scheduling. Advantages include; the ability to cater for load building, multiple collections / deliveries and catering for different temperatures on the same trucks.
More on Logistics >
Be confident you are meeting and exceeding standards with software that enables you to carry out mobile quality inspections of fresh produce when and where required. Inbound, outbound and residency checks ensure staff have the latest quality information.
More on Quality >
A key feature of our system is the ability to offer you full traceability down to pallet level. Access a complete audit trail of all pallets at the push of a button for compliance or product recalls.
More on Food Safety >
Use our functionality to support your packing and production operation. Including packhouse management and stock selection, yield and waste control, labour efficiency and production cost allocation at SKU level.
More on Production Control >
Our system collates real time information in one place to ensure it is accurate, reliable and quick to access. Enabling your sales team to increase revenues by knowing the real cost of a finished packed product.
More on Sales >
Visibility of accurate real time stock levels is key. Our system highlights issues to your stock control team as soon as they occur so your business can respond immediately without waiting for physical stock counts.
More on Stock management >
Our WMS solution gives you visibility of ‘live-stock' which tells you the exact location of stock down to specific pallet space, how much warehouse space is available and a full history of all stock movements.
More on WMS >
Forecast sales for weeks in advance. Plan your day or week based on forecast sales. Schedule all activities for your operation as you will know your expected results in advance.
More on Forecast Planning >
Our system will streamline your invoicing processes and manage and control your costs incurred across the supply chain. Use consistent and accurate profitability reports for your business from a number of different viewpoints.
More on Finance >
Gain greater insights into the full operations of your business. With key stakeholders reading one version of the truth your business can make the right decisions. This allows focused improvements and supports proactive rather than reactive behaviour.
More on Business Intelligence >
Providing strict processes, controls and rules on bonded stock in your warehouse. Automated customs clearance providing efficiencies in operation and spreading of relevant duty to each product line.