Packhouse Operations
Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence
Business intelligence (BI) is critical for making good business decisions. Our best in class fruit and vegetable industry BI tool allows you to now spend 80% of your time focused on your business' future as opposed to its past events.
Gain greater insights into the full operations of your business. Having key stakeholders reading one version of the truth allows your business to make the right decisions to ensure your team’s focus is based on business improvements and creation of an environment that supports proactive rather than reactive behaviour. We have over 90 years experience in the fresh produce industry so we can help you measure and drive your business' performance.
- Meaningful valuable accurate real time information at your fingertips
- Enables quick decision making
- Integration with other systems to give one source of quality information
- Supports KPI by department and accurate analysis
- True daily profitability
- Full pallet traceability at the click of a button
- Packaging consumption and usage
- Year on year, same day last year reviews
- Budget controls
- Automatic management reporting
- Daily, weekly, monthly summary information
- Year on year comparison analysis
- Commercial predictive analysis
- Sales price per case, cost price per case, gross margin per case for any period of time
- Multi-dimensional sales trends (customer, product, category, brand)
- Seasonal grower performance
- Know what your claims and waste cost your business
- Farm / field yield by variety performance
- Upstream / downstream traceability reporting
- Procurement performance (including full cost analysis by each cost type)
- KPI measurement by functional area